CUZ celebrating World Environmental Day
The Catholic University of Zimbabwe celebrated the St Francis of Assisi Memorial on the 4th of October 2022. The season of creation began on the 1st of September and ended on the 4th of October 2022, the feast of St. Francis of Assisi the patron saint of the environment in the Catholic Tradition. The event successfully took place in the Faculty of Theology, Ethics, Religious Studies and Philosophy hall and both the staff members and the students had an opportunity to attend. The Dean TERP and Faculty led and organized the commemoration of world environmental day. The season of creation is an ecumenical initiative that champions advocacy for the stewardship of mother earth as means to reduce the effects of climate change and environmental degradation. The year’s theme is “Listen to the voice of Creation” As an arm of the Church, the Catholic University of Zimbabwe joined the global fraternity in Prayer for the care of creation. The adoption of the motto “Ora et Labora” as we listen to the voice of Creation, reflects that focus on the rationale of this event for the members of the Catholic University of Zimbabwe and also on the reflection of Pope Francis on the Theme of the season of creation. The reflection concludes with a call to action in the light of the theme ‘Listen to the voice of Creation. The Harare campus team and the Bulawayo team both celebrated environment day by planting shrubs, guava, mango and orange trees and they also cleaned the campus and its surroundings.