4th - 6th October scheduled for this years CUZ World Environmental Celebrations

The Catholic University of Zimbabwe spearheaded by the Faculty of Theology, Ethics,
Religious Studies and Philosophy (TERP) commemorates environment day every year on the
4th of October as a means to proclaim, promote and implement themes of the encyclical Laudato Si’ of Pope Francis.
Laudato Si’ is a teaching on care for mother earth and environmental stewardship. Against the background of environmental crisis being experienced in many forms especially in the global south, the Catholic University of Zimbabwe carries out advocacy for environmental stewardship by celebrating environment day every year on the 4th of October.
According to Pope Francis, God wants justice to reign; it is as essential to our life as God’s children made in his likeness as water is essential for our physical survival. Just as the hearts of babies in the womb beat in harmony with those of their mothers, so in order to grow as people, we need to harmonize our own rhythms of life with those of creation, which gives us life”. How can we contribute to the mighty river of justice and peace in this Season of Creation? What can we, particularly as religious communities, do to heal our common home so that it can once again teem with life?
This year’s celebrations are spread over three days 4th, 5th and 6th of October. The
commemorations are meant to give everyone a chance to participate and make a substantial
contribution. The activities of these days are: community service in form of a clean-up,
academic advocacy through presentation of research papers and repairing our climate through planting of trees. You are all invited to celebrate and restore mother nature with us at the Harare campus.